7 tips for making healthy lifestyle changes – and sticking to them


4 minutes

07 June 2024

A young woman practising yoga in a sunny room with plants
This article was originally published on but has since been revised with new information.

When it comes to making healthy lifestyle changes, whether it’s exercising more, drinking less, or starting to practice mindfulness, unfortunately it’s never as simple as ‘just doing it.’

To learn effective strategies for creating a healthier lifestyle and more importantly, how to stick to it, we spoke with clinical psychologist Susannah Kimmel, founder of Intuitive Psychology in Fremantle.

1. Connect your lifestyle change to an existing habit

When you break it down, our days are full of habits, from brushing our teeth, to showering, feeding pets, and changing our clothes after work.

Kimmel suggests using these existing habits as your cue to practice the new behaviour. For example, your morning cup of coffee could be your reminder to do a 10-minute meditation or practice a new language.

"When something is a habit, it’s a familiar behaviour to us,” says Kimmel. “It doesn’t use up so much of our energy or have as much resistance and difficulty around it.”

“Knitting it together with an activity you already do can really reduce the level of stress and difficulty around it.”

2. Schedule your lifestyle change in

Your calendar can be another great tool for planning ahead and making sure you’re allocating enough time for what you want to achieve.

“Put a block of time aside in your calendar to make sure it's realistic that you can get it done,” Kimmel suggests.

For instance, if your aim is to jog twice a week, scheduling specific days and times and mentally committing to them is going to probably be more effective than simply waiting for the right moment. Especially when the couch and a Netflix binge looks that good after a long day at work.

3. Think about your ‘why’

“Focusing on why this change in behaviour is important to you is a really good way to stay motivated,” Kimmel says.

It can also be a good idea to identify if your motivation is ‘extrinsic’ (or external – for example, based on what other people might think or expect) or ‘intrinsic’ (coming from a genuine desire within yourself).

“It’s often much better if you have intrinsic motivation – that is, if it’s linked to the kind of person you want to be, or what your values are, or something you can develop legitimate excitement around,” she says.

“That’s what’s going to help you when resistance comes up.”

4. Link it to a bigger goal or dream

If you can’t find a strong intrinsic ‘why’, Kimmel says the next best thing would be to link it to a bigger goal.

“For example, if you’re trying to make a habit of cooking at home instead of getting takeout, and you have a dream to go on a trip to the Maldives, you could focus on the money you’re saving that can go towards that,” she says.

“Then you can look at photos and think about your dream trip, and that can help keep you motivated.”

5. Focus on one change at a time

It can be tempting to want to make big, sweeping lifestyle changes, but Kimmel suggests making it easier on yourself by choosing one thing at a time.

"When we're trying to do something new, it takes up a lot of our resources," she explains.

“The more new tasks we’re taking on that haven’t become automated yet, the more we’re asking of ourselves.”

6. Be realistic and create space for it

When trying to start something new, you might want to consider what else is going on in your life – like other commitments that will also need your time and energy.

"If you feel like there's no time for this new activity, you might have to be realistic,” Kimmel says.

“See if you can remove some of the other demands in your life or wait until there is more time and space."

7. Have a flexible mindset

If you miss a day or you’re finding it challenging to stick to your new lifestyle change, remember to be kind to yourself.

“You don’t have to do things perfectly to make progress,” Kimmel says. “Instead of seeing it as a failure, ask yourself, ‘What can I learn from this?’

"Imagine how you'd talk to your best friend about it and try to use that same gentleness and positivity with yourself.”

When to seek help

If you’ve tried all these tips and you’re still finding it difficult to make changes, the reason may be deeper than a lack of self-discipline, Kimmel says.

“A lot of our behaviour is driven by our emotions and our subconscious,” she says, “For example, it could be that low motivation is coming from low mood, or it could even be that your subconscious isn’t ready for that change.”

You may benefit from some support and guidance, such as from a psychologist.

“A psychologist can help you tease out some of these subconscious influences that might be affecting your habits and support you in working through them.”

Remember no matter your age or circumstances, it’s never too late to make a positive lifestyle change and reap the associated benefits. As the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago, and the second-best time to plant a tree is now.

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This article contains general information only and does not take into account the health, personal situation or needs of any person. In conjunction with your GP or treating health care professional, please consider whether the information is suitable for you and your personal circumstances.